Our Purpose

What We Do

Through a variety of community outreach and fundraising activities, we at the BPF work to support Burbank Police departmental operations, supplement budgets and fund public safety initiatives; conduct, plan, study and coordinate educational programs in the interest of the public in law; encourage every citizen to become active, involved and responsible in fighting crime and disorder; and, to carry on other charitable activities associated with this goal as allowed by law.

Chief of Police Michael Albanese

On Behalf of the men and women of the Burbank Police Department, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for supporting the Burbank Police Foundation (BPF). The Foundation is committed in their support of the Department and facilitating an ongoing collaboration between the department and the community we serve. The BPF’s philanthropic efforts fund scholarships and educational programs for the City’s youth, help underwrite numerous community engagement events, and provide the recognition for BPD personnel and citizens who exemplify and support the mission of the Department. Your partnership and support are greatly appreciated.